work and play
2016 - 2019

Designing Games to think
about the Future of Work
The 3-year artistic research project developed a European network, in which different sectors and various experts from the arts and game design, academia and research, labour market and the business world, open data organizations and the policy field came together in order to create self-developed games regarding the future of the working world.
A series of game jams took place between November 2017 and February 2018. The game jam technique stems from the independent game developer scene, it is defined as a co-creative approach to developing games.
Participants with different skill levels and qualifications meet up in an informal setting to invent prototypes for new games in a time-restricted and therefore very intense process. This is less about perfection and more about interaction, experimenting, releasing positive energy and as well as full collaboration.
A total of five game jams were held during the entire project and these took place in Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam and Athens. These events were open for game designers, learners and teachers, trade union members and employment agency staff as well as artists, hackers and gamers.
They created prototypes of various games, which were subsequently developed further by the participants, when they had a budget and professional support. During the development phase the games were played, tested and improved during several external events, e.g. conferences and vocational training courses.
LABOURGAMES led to a number of games about working. In particular, those games created a space for reflection and communication about work, structural working conditions and the future of work.
This resulted in games that simply were fun and could be played at a party, engaging players while navigating serious topics at the same time. Others offered a switching of roles and perspectives, allowing the players to gain new experiences and new points of view.
In this way, LABOURGAMES created a whole toolkit of games that can be used for a targeted approach to teaching new aspects of working, removing barriers and leading a productive conversation about the work of the future.
LABOURGAMES was a project initiated and co-ordinated by Berlin-based art association urban dialogues in close collaboration with
The European partner network within the framework of the Creative Europe Culture programme consisted of Open State Foundation (NL), H.A.B.I.T. Research Group, University of Athens (GR) and Alternative Europee (IT).

Graphic Recordings at Un-Conference by Estudio Pira
nine urban
2013 - 2015

Negotiating the Future of Urban Living
9UB was an international, socially engaged art project delivering artistic research and cultural exchange. It did this both within and among social citizen and art initiatives in cities in South Africa and Europe in 2014.
The participating initiatives in Paris, Berlin, London, Turin and Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban all distinguish themselves by addressing vital matters of concern with regard to contemporary urban living in innovative ways. They work about and respond to issues of safety and housing, youth and migration, mobility and economical subsistence. They do so »on the ground« and »in the thick of life« in each city, which is the reason why they were referred to as »urban biotopes« giving the overall project its name.
Metropolises have become the central arenas of globalisation and its resulting social developments. Within the cities’ structures, global processes inscribe themselves as »local colourful complexions«.
The aim of 9UB was to establish both a »trans-local« and »trans-continental» dialogue by interweaving and connecting new context-specific, socially engaged art projects into the existing social activities of these biotopes. It did so in order to expose, discuss and share different »intentions, methods and techniques« of imaginative urban practices for building »sustainable cities«.
From January to September 2014, nine artistic projects produced worked and researched in nine innovative urban settings. Three projects ran simultaneously; each for a period of three consecutive months. All of them were participatory in their approach; engaging actively with both citizens and initiators of existing innovative urban development projects.
Embedded reporters represented each process of each participatory arts projects. The citizens of each local participating project were linked up by means of web-based communication and social networks, and in this way themselves become actors in an »arena of exchange«.
By combining, linking and implementing 9UB within a South African – European partner structure – local answers to global questions were discussed in such a way that they shed light on sustainable solutions and innovative ideas regarding urban development issues.
The project was mainly funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and was selected as a success story by the European Commission.
signs of the city
metropolis speaking

Differences and Commonalities
in four European Metropolises
Berlin- London- Barcelona- Sofia
The 2-year project was a practical demonstration of interdisciplinary urban experience, how studying the city can be an educational tool for youth as well as a remarkable research field for artists. How is it possible to learn and produce urban art through visual and verbal expression?
Urban experience and the creative process is no more than a walk through the city with a camera, the simple act of being a tourist in one’s own environment. The project offered both, a methodical and goal-oriented introduction to hands-on work with new media, as well as a sparkling field of research through the encounter with the city.
By producing a high profile artistic product the young participants gained considerable experience in developing their personal and professional skills. The work entailed sharpening their individual perspectives on the world. Identity construction is an important backdrop as they developed a clearer understanding of language, expression and the semiotic system of signs.
Signs of the City was initiated and organized by urban dialogues. Co-operation partners in this European project have been the Centre for Urban and Community Research at Goldsmiths College University of London, the Watermans Galery London, House of World Cultures in Berlin and Hangar in Barcelona. Additional co-operation partners were the branches of the Goethe-Institut in Barcelona, London and Sofia.
The project was mainly funded by the Culture Programme of the European Union.
In 2009, it was selected by the European Commission as a best practice for intercultural artistic work.