culture kitchens

Eight participatory and intercultural events on the subject ‘Kitchen as a place for mixing and blending cultural codes’
Concept: Susanne Wagner and Heidi Walter
“Happen-Clipse notations”
Susanne Wagner, Heidi Walter
Finger stories
May 26, 2001, Falckensteinstraße
“Direct comparison of finger food: Turkey – Bavaria – Senegal”
Haydar Inci, Didare Karatas, Ilona Albert, Susanne Wagner, Heidi Walter, Conny Knefeli and Bassirou Sarr
July 7, 2001
Schlesische Strasse 19
Conny Knefeli and Bassirou Sarr
November 17, 2001
Schlesische Strasse 19
Ilona Albert, Petra Wilgenbus, Susanne Wagner and Heidi Walter November 24, 2001
Schlesische Strasse 19
“Brautschau 01” Annette Beisenherz, Ilona Albert
All night showcase performance in a bridal shop
20.-21. November 2001
Skalitzer Straße 101
Haydar Inci, Didare Karatas and Muzeher Ak
December 01, 2001
Schlesische Strasse 19
“An exhibition at hand”
Susanne Wagner
Final presentation of kulturen-küchen (culture kitchens) picture book 25-27 April 2002
Wrangelstrasse 64
“Vollmundfest – finger food in direct comparison: Mexico – Denmark – Lebanon”
Maite la Muno from Calaca e. V., El-Khalib family and Marie Louise Hansen-Hoeck
April 27, 2002
Wrangelstrasse 64


Site-Specific Art Projects
in abandoned shops at
the Kreuzberg Wrangelkiez
Karen Bartram slide projection
Falckensteinstrasse 41
Stefan Horn and Malte Seichter
Showcase Installation for Children
Wrangelstraße 64
“The Store of Surveillance and Mirror Imaging”
Yvette Mattern
“Evidence Collection”
Cet-0 – Nancy Couling and Susanne Schnorbusch
Falckensteinstraße 10
Melanie Humann, Alexandra Kattmann, Anne Staatleben
and Felix Wetzstein
Resident casting for a video game
Manteuffelstraße 103
“Contemporary Witness”
Michael Fiedler Photo exhibition
Schlesische Straße 38
“Video 2000”
Jörn Wening
Interviews / Installation / Reception
Falckensteinstraße 10
“Living room”
Nikola Michael
Showcase Projections
Schlesische Straße 38
“filetstück 02”
Herr Sphen
Quicktime-Movie “wrangelscan, urban selection”
Digital Slideshow
Schlesische Straße 38
“Fight arrangement”
Niels Peter Christensen
Stage fight show with young people in the street worker meeting point Falckensteinstrasse 41
“Ausschnitte einer Bewegung”
Johan Holten
Photography and Installation
Schlesische Straße 38
“Aus der Luft”
Carina Randlov
Drawings and Installation
Schlesische Straße 38
Christian Rooosen
Drawings, Showcase-Projectiona and Live-Performance
Falckensteinstraße 41
“21 Uhr”
Jörn Wening
Dance and Event
Falckensteinstraße 10
“Pink makes the Boys wink”
Heike Ebner & Sybille Hotz
Muskauer Straße 12 b
“Atari für die Füße”
Muskauer Straße 12
Stefan Horn/ Malte Seichter
Photo and Installation-Project
Manteuffelstraße 103
Heidi Walter
Participatory Installation and Dialogue Game
Schlesische Straße 38
“Seespeed Driverseat” – “Fahrersitz”
Philipp Wassermann / Garderobe 23
Digital Slideshow and Design Furniture
The project was mainly supported by the Berlin Senate for Urban Development.